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Law Student Testimonials

NHLAP has helped law students with a variety of issues since 2007. Here is a small sampling of what those students have had to say about reaching out to NHLAP for help.

" I did not do very well my first year and could not figure out why. I was at the top of my class as an undergrad, but I can't seem to deal with the competition and difficulty of law school? What is wrong with me? After speaking with someone at NHLAP I was referred to a counselor who explained I was suffering from chronic depression. I worked with him to find the right medication and the right coping skills for me. Now I am doing very well in law school. "


" I was terrified that some of the issues I had to talk about on the Character and Fitness forms were going to keep me from getting my bar license. I was hesitant to ask NHLAP for help, but I was able to get some answers to my questions before going through the bar admission process. Having someone to talk to really helped me understand the process and made it much less stressful. "


" The accountability provided by the alcohol testing program was the biggest reason I was able to get my drinking under control. I don't know where I would be without the help provided by NHLAP. "


" In October of my first year of law school, a counselor provided by NHLAP explained I was suffering from anxiety and depression. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what was going on or where to turn. My doctor referred me to NHLAP after I broke down during a routine check-up. She inquired about my general health and asked, "How's it going these days?" With that simple question, I began to sob. That's when we talked about getting help. "


" It seems that the only time I had any fun in law school is when I meet my classmates for drinks. Drinking is the only way to blow of steam and get to know people. In law school, everyone is so competitive and bragging about how much they can do, how much they don't need sleep and how well they are doing. I felt like I was the only one who was struggling. Drinking at the local bar was the only way to connect as real people. I learned through NHLAP that I was not alone and constantly drinking to relieve stress was making more problems than it was solving. "
